Backend.Bot Contains methods for initializing and preparing the bot's client.
Backend.Bot.Secrets Allows the fetching of private data from user secrets.
Backend.Bot.GetSecret(string) Extracts a value from the project secrets, returning null if the identifier does not exist.
Backend.Bot.Client Main client, used for communicating with Discord.
Backend.Bot.NetClient HTTP client, used for external network requests.
Backend.Bot.GetGuild(ulong) Gets a guild from the Backend.Bot.Client's cache from using its ID.
Backend.Bot.GuildID The current guild's ID, fetched via Backend.Bot.GetSecret(string).
Backend.Bot.GuildURL The base guild URL.
Backend.Bot.Restart() Stops the client, releases its resources, and restarts the bot client.
Backend.Bot.Start() Starts the bot's client, initializes event handlers, and prepares caches.
Backend.Extensions Convenience class for simple type conversions.
Backend.Extensions.ToMessage(Rest.InteractionMessageProperties) Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent Rest.InteractionMessageProperties representation.
Backend.Extensions.GetImageURLs(ReadOnlyDictionary<ulong, Attachment>) Converts a set of attachments to an array of the attachments' URLs.
Backend.Extensions.TryGetName(TextChannel, out string) Attempts to get the channel's name, returning null if it doesn't have one.
Backend.Extensions.ToChecked(Rest.InteractionMessageProperties) Caps the embed count of this instance to 10 embeds maximum.
Backend.Extensions.GetAvatar(User, ImageFormat?) Gets the URL of a user's avatar if they have one, otherwise returning their default avatar URL.
Backend.Extensions.GetAvatar(GuildUser, ImageFormat?) Gets the URL of a user's avatar if they have one, otherwise returning their default avatar URL.
Backend.Extensions.GetDisplayName(User) Gets a User's displayed discord name using the cached member list.
Backend.Files Contains methods and constants used for persistent data storage.
Backend.Files.FileContains(Backend.Files.Names, string, bool) Whether the specified file contains the given data.
Backend.Files.ReadCounter(Backend.Files.CounterLines, int) Reads the value of a counter.
Backend.Files.MAIN The main path containing all the memory files used by P.BOT.
Backend.Files.Names A list of files used by P.BOT for storage.
Backend.Files.Names.Counters Contains data related to basic operations, such as incremental counters.
Backend.Files.Names.Starboard Contains a list of starred messages.
Backend.Files.CounterLines A list of names for lines in the Backend.Files.Names.Counters file.
Backend.Files.Paths The bot's internal list of file paths, indexed by their names.
Backend.Parsing.ToParsedUnicode(string) Replaces any unparsed unicode identifiers with their appropriate symbols (i.e. \u0041' -> 'A').
Backend.Parsing.ToEscapedMarkdown(string) Converts the contents of this string into an escaped version, avoiding markdown formatting issues.
Backend.Parsing.UnicodeIdentifierRegex() Pattern:
○ Match the string "\\u".
○ 1st capture group.
○ Match a character in the set [0-9A-Fa-f] exactly 4 times.
Backend.Parsing.EscapeCharacterRegex() Pattern:
○ Match '\\'.
○ 1st capture group.
○ Match a character in the set ["\\bfnrt].
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences Contains constants and method calls related to unmanaged code.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkGray Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Black Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Red Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkRed Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Green Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkGreen Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Yellow Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkYellow Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Blue Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkBlue Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Magenta Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkMagenta Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Cyan Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkCyan Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.White Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.Gray Sets the console foreground color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkGrayB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.BlackB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.RedB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkRedB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.GreenB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkGreenB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.YellowB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkYellowB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.BlueB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkBlueB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.MagentaB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkMagentaB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.CyanB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.DarkCyanB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.WhiteB Sets the console background color.
Backend.VirtualTerminalSequences.GrayB Sets the console background color.
Backend.Embeds Contains functions for the creation of embeds and their components.
Backend.Embeds.CreateAuthor(string, string, string) Creates an Rest.EmbedAuthorProperties object for use in an Embed.
Backend.Embeds.CreateFooter(string, string) Creates an Rest.EmbedAuthorProperties object for use in an Embed.
Backend.Embeds.CreateField(string, string, bool) Creates an Rest.EmbedFieldProperties object for use in an Embed.
Backend.Embeds.GetAssetURL(string) Gets the GitHub hosted URL of the given asset.
Backend.Embeds.ASSETS The URL to the GitHub Assets folder.
Backend.Embeds.STD_COLOR The hex code for standard embed gray.
Backend.Embeds.RandomColor Generates a random 24-bit integer from the current time in ticks.
Backend.Embeds.Generate(Rest.EmbedProperties, string[], string, bool) Combines the specified parameters to generate an embed.
Backend.Embeds.ToEmbed(Rest.RestMessage, string, Rest.EmbedFooterProperties, string, string) Combines the specified parameters with parameters extracted from a given Rest.RestMessage to generate an embed.
Backend.Embeds.Title(string, Rest.EmbedFieldProperties[], ulong) Creates a Rest.MessageProperties object suitable for Commands.SlashCommands.GetTitle(Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles).
Backend.Events Contains methods responsible for handling message events.
Backend.Events.GuildUserUpdate(GuildUser) Updates the Caches.Members.List dictionary when a user is added or modified.
Backend.Events.GuildUserRemove(Gateway.GuildUserRemoveEventArgs) Removes users from the Caches.Content.List dictionary when a member is modified.
Backend.Events.RoleUpdate(Role) Updates the Caches.Members.Roles dictionary when roles are created or updated.
Backend.Events.RoleDelete(Gateway.RoleDeleteEventArgs) Updates the Caches.Members.Roles dictionary when roles are deleted.
Backend.Events.MapClientHandlers() Maps the Backend.Bot.Client's events to their appropriate response method.
Backend.Events.InteractionCreate(Interaction) Processes received interactions.
Backend.Events.DeletedSpamMessage Used by Messages.Functions.Filter(Gateway.Message) to pass a message to Backend.Events.MessageDelete(Gateway.MessageDeleteEventArgs), bypassing the cache.
Backend.Events.MessageCreate(Gateway.Message) Processes new messages.
Backend.Events.MessageDelete(Gateway.MessageDeleteEventArgs) Logs message deletions.
Backend.Events.MessageUpdate(Gateway.Message) Logs message edits and updates.
Backend.Events.ReactionAdded(Gateway.MessageReactionAddEventArgs) Logs reactions to messages.
Caches.Messages Contains the recent messages cache and its relevant methods.
Caches.Messages.Recent Contains all messages in the bot's cache.
Caches.Messages.IgnoreCounter The index of the last assigned Caches.Messages.IgnoreCache slot.
Caches.Messages.IgnoreCache A short array of messages to be ignored by Backend.Events.MessageDelete(Gateway.MessageDeleteEventArgs) to prevent clutter.
Caches.Messages.IgnoreID(ulong) Adds a message ID to the Caches.Messages.IgnoreCache.
Caches.Members Contains the cached members list, role list, and their relevant methods. This class possesses a static constructor not shipped in the GitHub repo for privacy reasons.
Caches.Members.Member Represents a Rest.GuildUserInfo object with additional bot-related fields.
Caches.Members.Member(Rest.GuildUserInfo) Represents a Rest.GuildUserInfo object with additional bot-related fields.
Caches.Members.List The bot's internal member list, generated from the members-search endpoint.
Caches.Members.Accolades The bot's internal list of event roles, and their appropriate descriptions.
Caches.Members.FounderRoles The bot's internal list of founder roles, alongside their owners' user IDs.
Caches.Members.Roles The bot's internal role list, generated with Rest.RestClient.GetGuildRolesAsync(ulong, Rest.RestRequestProperties).
Caches.Members.IsAccolade(ulong) Checks if the role referenced by the ID is an event role.
Caches.Members.GetUserAccolades(Caches.Members.Member) Returns a string summarizing a user's accolades and other important roles.
Caches.Members.Load() Initializes the class with data from the members-search endpoint.
Commands.SlashCommands Contains the slash commands used by P.BOT and their associated tasks.
Commands.SlashCommands.SystemsCheck() Command task. Checks if P.BOT's system is active.
Commands.SlashCommands.MoveVoiceUsers(VoiceGuildChannel, VoiceGuildChannel, Role) Command task. Moves a group of users from one voice channel to another.
Commands.SlashCommands.GetAvatar(User, ImageFormat?) Command task. Gets the avatar of the user, in a specific format if specified in format.
Commands.SlashCommands.GetTitle(Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles) Command task. Gets the library entry of the title specified in the title parameter.
Commands.SlashCommands.GetUser(User, bool) Command task. Displays data relevant to a specified user.
Commands.SlashCommands.GetWiki(string, bool) Command task. Searches for a Wikipedia page similar to the given term, and gets its content if a page is found.
Commands.SlashCommands.CreatePost(string, Attachment, bool, Channel, bool) Command task. Creates an embed with the specified content and image.
Commands.Helpers.Library Contains data involving dictionaries and the Commands.SlashCommands.GetTitle(Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles) command.
Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles A list of possible choices for the Commands.SlashCommands.GetTitle(Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles) command.
Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles.WhatIs_ThePPP The history of the PPP.
Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles.IcelandGuide Angel's Iceland travel guide.
Commands.Helpers.Library.Entries Contains definitions used for the Commands.SlashCommands.GetTitle(Commands.Helpers.Library.Titles) command.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine Contains constants, variables and the function responsible for probability calculations and roll results.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine.ErrMessage The message to format and print if the roll command is invalid.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine.RollString The message to format and append per standard roll result.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine.CritString The message to format and append per critical success.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine.FailString The message to format and append per critical failure.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine.LoadMersenneTwister() Initializes the xShift128 algorithm based off the current time in ticks.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine.Run(Gateway.Message) Applies the appropriate logic to use based on the given message.
Commands.Helpers.ProbabilityStateMachine.Next() Runs a single iteration of the roller algorithm, returning the result.
Commands.Helpers.Wikipedia Contains the Wikipedia API constant, as well as the method responsible for page retrieval.
Commands.Helpers.Wikipedia.WIKI_API The URL and preset parameters for the Wikipedia content API.
Commands.Helpers.Wikipedia.GetPage(string, bool) Sends the request responsible for retrieving the page, and formats it properly.
Commands.Helpers.Wikipedia.CitationRegex() Pattern:
○ Match with 2 alternative expressions, atomically.
○ Match a sequence of expressions.
○ Match an empty string.
○ Match a Unicode digit.
○ Match '.'.
○ Match a Unicode digit.
○ Match a sequence of expressions.
○ Match an empty string.
○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
○ Match ']'.
Commands.TextCommands Contains the text commands used by P.BOT and their associated tasks.
Commands.TextCommands.Parse(Gateway.Message) Parses a given message, running the associated text command if a valid prefix is found.
Documentation.Generator Contains classes and methods for accessing and serializing XML documentation.
Documentation.Generator.Generate() Generates an HTML file from a given file path.
Documentation.Generator.GetMemberSummaryPairs() Gets the documentation file as a System.Collections.Generic.List`1 of string tuples.
Documentation.Generator.Format(string, bool) Formats a member's name.
Documentation.Generator.SystemTypeRegex() Pattern:
○ Match the string "System.".
○ 1st capture group.
○ Match with 7 alternative expressions, atomically.
○ Match a sequence of expressions.
○ Match an empty string.
○ Match with 2 alternative expressions, atomically.
○ Match the string "oolean".
○ Match the string "yte".
○ Match a sequence of expressions.
○ Match an empty string.
○ Match with 3 alternative expressions, atomically.
○ Match the string "Byte".
○ Match the string "ingle".
○ Match the string "tring".
○ Match the string "Char".
○ Match a sequence of expressions.
○ Match an empty string.
○ Match with 2 alternative expressions, atomically.
○ Match the string "ecimal".
○ Match the string "ouble".
○ Match a sequence of expressions.
○ Match an empty string.
○ Match with 4 alternative expressions, atomically.
○ Match the string "32".
○ Match the string "Ptr".
○ Match the string "64".
○ Match the string "16".
○ Match a sequence of expressions.
○ Match an empty string.
○ Match with 4 alternative expressions, atomically.
○ Match the string "32".
○ Match the string "Ptr".
○ Match the string "64".
○ Match the string "16".
○ Match the string "Object".
Documentation.Tags.MemberTagRegex() Pattern:
○ Match ''.
Documentation.Tags.IndentTags(string) Formats the final HTML document to have proper spacing for code readability.
Documentation.Tags.LT Represents the safe replacement character for its equivalent XML entity.
Documentation.Tags.GT Represents the safe replacement character for its equivalent XML entity.
Documentation.Tags.Code Part of the code tag pair, used for font application.
Documentation.Tags.cCode Part of the code tag pair, used for font application.
Documentation.Tags.Blue Part of the blue tag pair, used for highlighting.
Documentation.Tags.cBlue Part of the blue tag pair, used for highlighting.
Documentation.Tags.Cyan Part of the cyan tag pair, used for highlighting.
Documentation.Tags.cCyan Part of the cyan tag pair, used for highlighting.
Documentation.Tags.Details Part of the details tag pair, used for formatting.
Documentation.Tags.cDetails Part of the details tag pair, used for formatting.
Documentation.Tags.Summary Part of the summary tag pair, used for formatting.
Documentation.Tags.cSummary Part of the summary tag pair, used for formatting.
Documentation.Tags.MemberOpen Indicate the start and end of a member name section, used in Documentation.Generator.GetMemberSummaryPairs()
Documentation.Tags.MemberClose Indicate the start and end of a member name section, used in Documentation.Generator.GetMemberSummaryPairs()
Documentation.Tags.SummaryOpen Indicate the start and end of a summary section, used in Documentation.Generator.GetMemberSummaryPairs()
Documentation.Tags.SummaryClose Indicate the start and end of a summary section, used in Documentation.Generator.GetMemberSummaryPairs()
Messages.Functions Contains methods and variables used for basic message functionality and parsing.
Messages.Functions.AddToStarBoard(Gateway.MessageReactionAddEventArgs) Parses the contents of a given Gateway.MessageReactionAddEventArgs and adds the result to the starboard.
Messages.Functions.GetMessageFromLink(string) Gets the relevant Gateway.Message object from a Discord message URL.
Messages.Functions.ParseLinks(Gateway.Message) Parses a given message to check for message links, and displays their content if possible.
Messages.Functions.Filter(Gateway.Message) Compares a given message's attributes to other messages by the same user, and deletes it if the filter's criteria are met.
Messages.Logging Contains methods responsible for logging messages to the console.
Messages.Logging.LastAuthorID The ID of the latest logged user.
Messages.Logging.LastDeletedAuthorID The ID of the latest deleted user.
Messages.Logging.LOG_CHANNEL The ID of the channel to send logs to.
Messages.Logging.LogNetworkMessage(Gateway.LogMessage) Logs messages from the system.
Messages.Logging.LogCreatedMessage(Gateway.Message) Logs new discord messages.
Messages.Logging.LogDeletedMessage(Gateway.Message) Logs deleted discord messages.
Messages.Logging.LogUpdatedMessage(Gateway.Message, Gateway.Message) Logs edited discord messages.
Messages.Logging.WriteAsID(string, Messages.Logging.SpecialId) Writes a message to the console using a specified Messages.Logging.SpecialId.